
Personal and Professional Development

University: UK college of Business and computing

  • Unit No: 23
  • Level: High school
  • Pages: 23 / Words 5654
  • Paper Type: Assignment
  • Course Code: T/601/0943
  • Downloads: 1507
Question :

This assessment will cover the following questions:

  • National Trust is a charity organization in England, known for environment and heritage conservation. Examine self-managed learning that enhance lifelong development of the individual.
  • How responsibility for own personal and professional development contributes in the career growth.
  • Identify variety of styles and manner used to enhance skill and knowledge of individual.
Answer :


Personal development refers to the activities that help improve awareness of identity, develop potential and facilitate employability. Professional development refers to earning and maintaining professional credentials such as formal coursework, academic degrees and other learning opportunities. Professional development is personal development as it is not only about enhancing and increasing skills. The most effective and inspiring are the individuals who continuously work on their personal development and see it as an essential factor for their professional excellence. In this report, National Trust is taken, which is a charity organization in England, known for environment and heritage conservation. This report covers how self-managed learning can enhance lifelong development, how an individual can take the responsibility to work on his or her personal and professional development and how to implement and demonstrate the acquired capabilities.



1.1 Different approaches to self-managed learning

Self-managed learning comes from our daily lives as people pursue their own interests and learn in their own way. It is a process in which an individual initiates learning by oneself by determining the goals, aims and targets (Yazid, Osman and Hamid, 2018). They can review their acquired skills by applying them to the progress of the organization and its people.

Learning styles: It can be different for every individual. The best way to self-managed learning is by analysing the surrounding environment which is the only way to efficient learning. To get a clear understanding, Kolb's learning cycle model has been used as one of the learning styles. This theory works on four stages which have been discussed below.

Concrete Experience: It refers to the experience that has been made regarding the learning. As a manager, I am aware of the importance of self-managed learning by attending seminars, conferences and the Internet which has made me capable of standing in front of others and speaking my mind.

Pragmatist: It is an important learning style in which one understands how to put learning into practice. Through this learning style, I understand how to apply practical knowledge, theories and techniques in real life. This approach improves my understanding level.

Reflective Observation: The above experience leads to matching my understanding to my experience (McLeod Saul, 2017). This can be done by mentoring, guiding, socializing etc. which has helped me in learning new ideas, skills, personality development, the way of presentation and improving my communication skills.

Abstract conceptualization: It refers to giving rise to new ideas and modifying existing ones. People with converging learning styles can best use their skills to find a solution. In this learning style, people experiment with new ideas and try to work with their practical applications. This stage will bring up the creative and technical mind that I want to acquire with expertise.

Active Experimentation: In this, learners apply an accommodating learning style, which relies more on feelings rather than logic and prefers to take a practical and experiential approach. Applying the skills acquired helps in gaining new insights and experience.

1.2 Ways of lifelong learning in personal and professional development

National Trust manager uses various ways to encourage lifelong learning within the team so that they can encourage visitor services. Ways are-

Self-direct learning: Managers encourage individual employees to take initiative without taking the help of others and encourage them to resolve their issues by learning, making learning goals and identifying resources which can help them to learn more effectively (Perry, 2017). Through the activity manager also improves their learning skills.

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Continuing professional development: It is defined as the procedure of documenting and following skills, informative knowledge and experience which is gained through work or training programs. The whole information i.e. learning, experience and their implements etc. are concluded in the record. Continued professional development is an activity which gives contributes to employees learning and development.

Recognize learning as an achievement: To influence learning skills in employees managers introduce a reward strategy for employees where employees improve their skills which they are good (Welp and et.al., 2018). Thus, the manager helps staff recognize their skills and offers rewards as certificates in front of the department which encourages employees to learn.

Apprenticeships: it is the training system where licenced practitioners are legally allowed to offer training classes professional and personnel development classes. Manager hires apprenticeships so that staff get' the opportunity to learn new skills which can be applied in the workplace and achieve several goals in less time.

Seminars and conferences: It is also effective ways to improve lifelong learning and professional and personnel development. The seminar helps team members guide how to offer services to visitors and offers a platform for individual employees to share their life experiences. It improves employee confidence and helps to interact with visitors confidently at the workplace in a national trust organization.

The manager uses these ways to improve their learning skills professionally and personally while an employee gets benefits to improve their learning skills by improving comprehensively.

1.3 Benefits of self-managed learning

Benefits in an organization (Relationship): Self-managed learning helps to maintain various relationships in the organization. Relationships are based on the training programs and in specific organizations. Staff learn how to maintain relations with people such as mentors, coaches, and experts who give knowledge and learn how to work in a team which provides additional knowledge and support from another staff member (Cheon and et.al., 2018). A manager who plays all roles develops impressive attitudes from learning. The manager develops his skills i.e. becomes more productive by improving relationships with staff and offers opportunities those employees who are involved in learning approaches.

Individual self-managed learning: individual employees who succeed in self-managed learning, become more confident and self-adapter according to the situation. Such a program helps individual employees to formulate effective planning and resolve issues wisely. Self-managed learning gives strength to employees to overcome challenges which come during interaction with visitors. Besides this, it leads to new skills and ideas which can be used in both areas of organization and outside.

Relationship within the organization: It helps an organization to build the frame of relationships in various ways. It leads to effectiveness in employees regarding their services. For example, an organization enables one to understand each employee's weaknesses which can create problems in learning progress. Through the SML approach, the manager helps them to overcome their weakness by offering classes.

Individual benefits: The SML approach leads to various benefits in me Such as self-resilience, meeting objectives and aboutcomprehension for certain tasks, self-awareness, self-consciousness, excitement of learning new skills etc (van den Bogaart, Hummel and Kirschner, 2018). Through these skills, I enable them to set their objectives and offer the best service to visitors.

Individual difficulty: SML approaches help me to improve my decision-making so that, can introduce beneficial decisions and communication (Girvan, Conneely and Tangney, 2016). Even though I used to feel hesitant during interaction with employees, improved my skills in interacting with visitors.

Organization benefits: SML approaches lead to better performance in the workplace which leads to high profitability in the company. The organization gets talented employees in the company who can resolve problems individually.


2.1 Current skills and competencies against professional standards and organizational objectives

My current skills

Professional standards ( Academic sources)

Manager and job role objectives

Oral communication:

Communication plays a vital role all over the side and my communication skills are good. During the discussions, I am capable of understanding their view and contributing ideas (Patterson, 2019). My listening skills are also good and I give value to people by listening to their opinions.

I am enabled to communicate with each type of employee individually who is involved in decision-making or seminars. It is my great skills which give value to my employer during oral presentations. Based on oral communication easy to build relationships with several employees and encourage them to improve their skills.

Being manager my role is to perform as a role model for employees so that they can offer visitor services to customers. Being passionate about visitor service is the first role of a manager. The main aim is to lead to profitable outcomes within the company.

Problem-solving skills:

I have good skills to solve issues in minimum time. Sometimes I get confused with multiple points of view as results don't get expected outcomes which leads to demotivation.


The ability to solve problems well-formed manner can be fruitful for future tasks.

A quick thinker and multitasking person is the main role of the manager in a National trust organization. This skill helps managers to solve issues within time according to the situation.


I am a good motivator which is my strength. Through this skill, I am enabled to motivate individuals and groups.




The ability to motivate can be effective in the future.

Motivating each member of staff is the crucial role of the manager where the manager encourages them to improve their performance and retain them within the company.


I am a self-discipliner which is the best strength of me. This skill helps me to guide individuals and groups on time.

It is beneficial for the future.

Self-discipline is important for the manager because if the manager is strict with rules as a result discipline between employees is maintained.


I am creative nature which is my strength. My creative nature will support me in future to motivate individuals and groups.

It is crucial for the future.

A creative nature is important for the manager because the manager can introduce various new strategies that can improve the organization's performance.

2.2 Identify own development needs and activities

Skills to be developed

Methods of development

How to improve on presentation skills

To improve my oral communication effectively, I organize presentation classes so that I am enabled to build more confidence in my speech. I use a feedback strategy where I gather feedback from peers so that they support me to improve my skills. To make my presentation effective I read some skills such as making eye contact, being a good listener, being aware of non-verbal communication etc. These method helps me to improve my presentation skills.

Problem-solving skills: How to become an effective quick thinker.

It can be improved through good communication skills which can come by being an active listener and seeking suggestions from a manager or senior authority. To analyse skills keeps them in unfavourable situations. Thus, can improve skills.

Motivation: How to become a more effective motivator

To develop motivation skills, recognize other hard workers and appreciate them to improve their skills by providing proper resources. Gives measurable and small tasks to employees and encourages them to complete them in less time. Recognizing the needs of employees can help to build good relations. Thus, motivation can lead to effectiveness in motivation skills.

Self-discipline: how to become a more effective discipliner.

To improve my self-discipline skill, I prepare a schedule which assists me in completing all my work on time. I stop myself from spending more time on single work. I remove my temptation. Thus, I can improve my skills and encourage others to be on time.

Creativity: How to become more creative.

I make a list of ideas and choose an appropriate idea for my experiment. I always try to create something creative every day which improves my brain power. I join a class to improve my creative skills and self-discipline. All curriculum helps me to improve my creativity.

2.3 Identify development opportunities to meet current and future needs in an organization

T&D program:  The T&D program is an effective development opportunity to meet my future and current needs in the national trust organization in a manager role. The training and development program is specially organized for employee development. The main goal of the program is to improve the performance of employees and convert weaknesses into strengths by providing proper support and classes. Training programs are generally categorized into three stages which offer the opportunity to work with managers in an organization (Riggs, 2017). Besides this makes them understand how to handle daily meetings in a well-formed manner. Training classes introduce manager roles and how to perform in national trust organizations. The manager recognizes their needs and their skills and guides them right areas so that they can give quality services to visitors in the organization. The program is categorized into three steps -

Teamwork: The T&D program helps me to improve my collaboration with other people so that I learn how to work in a team within an organization. It is a good opportunity to interact large number of people understand their objectives and work as a team. Managers as trainers help to improve collaboration skills with other people (Balbag, Yenilmez and Turgut, 2017). Teamwork is a crucial part of an organization because it leads to effectiveness in work and maintains well-being at the workplace. Team working skills help me to meet current and future needs. The opportunity helps me to work as a team and offers services within the organization.

Oral communication: it is the second stage of the T&D program where the manager introduces various techniques to improve oral communication. Through the technique understand how to interact with visitors and other employees within the organization and outside. I learned communication skills are most important for managers to perform in the workplace. As employees, if a employee have good communication skills can interact with outside customers and can give them value by offering quality services (Mahlanze and Sibiya, 2017). Oral communication skills are not only important for the organization but also for the outside. Thus, oral communication skills are useful for current and meet for future national trust.

Effective Problem Solver: To become an effective problem solver requires effective communication skills. In the training and development program, I learned communication skills are crucial to becoming a quick thinker. They tell techniques to improve effectiveness. The technique is proper information about an object and subject, learning more vocabulary and practices. I also learned how to become an active listener which is most important for the manager role and good judgemental which helps me to identify weaknesses and deal with them impressively. Thus, the manager helps to improve problem-solving issues through the T&D classes (Avidov-Ungar, 2016). This stage helps to me meet current and future needs which are important as a manager in the organization.

Effective Motivator: To be an effective motivator requires good communication skills and the ability to identify the needs of others. In the program, I learned how to improve motivation skills so that several people follow as role models. Good motivation is an important skill for a manager role. The trainer tells techniques such as good communication skills, good oral presentation, quick thinking etc. make effective motivators. These skills assist in meeting to manager role in the organization.

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2.4 Personal and Professional Development Plan

The plan is divided into two forms short-term and long-term for improving skills.

Development objectives


Activities to be undertaken


Target Start Date

Target End Date

Criteria For Success

To improve on presentation skills


Based on research takes some techniques such as making eye contact, improving vocabulary, conducting oral presentation classes, setting goals to achieve

Learning books give ideas on how to make eye contact and give vocabulary information which can improve confidence during giving presentation. To discuss with the manager how to improve presentation and learn to attend manager oral presentation classes which helps to remove obstacles.



To get success in skills, there is the best way to meet up with managers regular basis. Whatever task is given by the manager meets the task (van den Bogaart and et.al., 2016). Attend presentation class which is conducted by the manager and gather feedback from the manager and peers about performance during the presentation.

Problem Solving: How to develop problem-solving skills

Very high

Self-managed skills, face-to-face communication for understanding tasks without creating confusion, a guide to becoming an active listener (Attard, 2017).

To lead effectiveness in the skill the way to interact with manager and learns tricks to become quick thinker. Become an active listener guides yourself to listen to someone properly and gather ideas which can help to resolve issues. To visit the local library and learn some inspirational books which improve thinking level.



To get success in problem-solving skills, get feedback from managers and seniors about their decision effectiveness.

Good Motivator: How to improve motivation skills



Leadership style, set small and measurable goals, Good communication skills.

To improve motivation skills reads good motivator books and study good motivator biography. Interaction with managers and observe their behaviour with employees.



Take feedback from managers and mentors.


How to improve self-discipline skills


Initially know about weaknesses and list them out in a pattern which helps to set up goals. Creating new habits by holding it simple helps to be self-disciplined.

To improve self-discipline skills make a schedule which alerts you about the task. List out weakness which helps to reduce extra time and make good self-discipline.



To achieve success in skills there is a good way to meet the managers and other people who offer their services. Takes feedback from managers and mentors.

Creativity: How to improve creativity skills


Based on the research some techniques to make it more creative i.e. mind tools, by using the six thinking hats technique.

Mind tools are good resources which act on technical creativity and support recognising how creative and organising a plan for initiating thinking differently. Even six thinking hats techniques are also good strategies to make creative minds.



To get success in the skills, take feedback from seniors and managers. To enhance skills attend conferences which leads to improvement in skills.


3.1 The processes and activities required to implement the development plan

The personal and professional development plan helps me to improve my sets of skills such as oral presentation skills, problem-solving skills and being a good motivator etc. these skills are important for a manager's role within an organization. Through the plan, I was able to handle a management plan well-formed in the National Trust organization. Implementation of PPD plan in organizations such as

Through the plan, I am enabled to set targets which helps me to develop objectives which I set for myself. To stay updated and gather advanced knowledge in the organization so that I am enabled to introduce new ideas which lead to profitability in my performance and help to understand complex theories.

The second stage requires a plan and priorities target. For example organization is unable to meet visitors' objectives in that state I give ideas to take feedback and understand their needs and expectations (Thomas, 2016). Based on the reviews offers services and the managers listen properly and implement result gets desirable outcomes in the company. On the other hand, I improve my technical knowledge such as the Microsoft program which is important for the organization and outside as well. During the implementation of the development plan, I give more preference to my two objectives i.e. exploring new ideas within the team and becoming an active listener.

3.2 undertake and document development activities as planned

In third stage is based on sets of skills such as oral presentation, problem-solving, good motivation, self-discipline and creativity. It is the main implementing action where I take part in organizational activities as a manager and implement my skills at the workplace according to situations.

The final stage is a result of all activities which review managers and mentors about performance during implementation within the organization. Based on the feedback enables me to analyse whether I have accessed my goals and objectives or not.

The sets of activities which I apply to implement my development plan. Through the activities, I can analyse my skills improvement which developed such as.

  • The manager conducts various types of activities in an organization where I participate and see improvement in my enlisted skills.
  • National Trust organizes charity seminars in organizations where I get the opportunity to implement my enlisted skills and apply my technical knowledge to create data and collect information about visitors. I complete all tasks at a predetermined time. I get a chance to give oral presentations in seminars and share my ideas. The manager gives challenges which is related to creativity, that I resolve. Thus, I implemented my action which is enlisting and taking feedback from peers and managers.

3.3 Reflection

I find unable myself to give strategic plans for a seminar where I am unable to motivate employees to give the best performance as a team member in the company. Even I was unable to assemble various activities which are decided in the seminar. I take more time to resolve problems which decreases my confidence. Due to this, I am unable to communicate with several employees and visitors which reduces my performance at the workplace. Later on, I give my oral presentation which boosts my confidence to interact with the public. I face time management issues which demotivate my skills.

3.4 Update the development plan based on feedback and evaluation

Based on the feedback I analysed my problem-solving skills aren't more effective during operations. In that state, I need to develop my skills. To improve these skills I use some techniques which help me to improve the skills such as communication skills which help me to be an active listener so that I can understand tasks clearly without confusion. Besides this, I will read some books which enhance my comprehensiveness for tasks or projects. I helped of manager to share his experience and give some tips which helped to tackle issues in each condition. I take guidance from a mentor who helps me to identify ways to improve my confidence and teach some problem-solving technique which improves my confidence and improve my learning skills. The continuous learning program helps me to become a quick thinker and problem-solver.


4.1 Solution to workplace problem within the visitor services team

The current problems are harassment or potential bullying in organizations. Due to this staff doesn't feel safe at the workplace and doesn't retain prolonged time in the company. There are some techniques which are used by managers to improve visitor team problems at the workplace in the National Trust organization. Techniques are-

Document the agreement: It is an effective technique to resolve team member issues at the workplace. To resolve the issues' the manager offers documents before hiring for the job (Ramia and et.al., 2016). In the document, all norms of the company give assurance to employees regarding their services. Besides this manager offers safety at the workplace so that several employees can work in a well-formed manner.

Evaluation: It is also an effective technique where the manager can enlist several issues by analysing their performance at the workplace and gathering feedback. It helps the manager to access team objectives (Ahmed and Ward, 2016). Whatever issues are faced by team members at the workplace can be resolved by discussing with personally.

Thus, both techniques help the manager to resolve visitor team member issues at the workplace. Based on these techniques manager can improve their performance at the workplace.

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4.2 Learning style and approaches

Kolb's learning model:

It is the process in which knowledge and understanding are created with the help of experience of the learning. It includes four stages of learning in the company. Different people have different styles of learning. The four stages of learning will explain how the learning of people affects their behaviour.

Concrete experience: Learning is possible from the experience and related to the people. This process is very sensitive to the behaviour and feelings of the other.

Reflective observation: It focuses on observing before giving the judgement by watching the atmosphere from various perspectives.

Abstract conceptualization: Analysis is done from the ideas opinions and understanding of the particular situation.

Active experimentation: People have the skills to get things done by affecting the people from their actions. There the various risks involved in this learning.

Approaches of learning:

Seminar: It is the best way to increase the learning of the people by generating the situation for the group of people. From this people could learn how to communicate effectively and efficiently.

Internet: This process of learning determines that the people can take the information from the time which is convenient for them. Internet gives the knowledge and learning very fast in any place in the world.

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4.3 Time management strategies

Time management strategies

Priorities workload

It is a beneficial strategy for the manager because they can enlist important operation which consumes more time during the performance. Managers can improve the working efficiency of the employees by offering training and development classes, as a result during workload groups of employees can effectively handle the workload. Thus, employees complete their tasks on time.

Setting work objectives

It is also an effective strategy of time management for the manager where they can set objectives according to the situation and make it clear to another employee during task assigning. Through the strategy, employees are responsible for their job responsibilities and help them to complete tasks on time.


This report can be concluded with self-managed learning which is described as performance. This report also concludes with all the purposes related to the personal and professional context of lifelong learning. This report also concludes with the skills and competencies against professional standards and original objectives. Own personal development plan has been concluded in this report. This report also concludes about the interpersonal and transferable skills. All the reasonable solutions related to work-based problems have been concluded in this report. All the essence of the communication is concluded in this report. Uses of time management have been concluded in this report effectively.

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